What are zk-snarks

What are zk-snarks

Zk-SNARKs, also known as zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge, is a cryptography technology used to verify the integrity of information without revealing the information itself. The zk-SNARKs technology allows one party to prove the validity of a statement without revealing any details about the statement itself.

This technology is especially useful in cryptocurrency applications, where privacy and security of transactions are desired. For example, in a zk-SNARKs-based cryptocurrency network, a user can prove that they have sufficient funds to make a transaction without revealing how much money they have in their account.

Zk-SNARKs is based on quantum cryptography, which means it uses principles of quantum physics to protect the information. The zk-SNARKs technology is divided into two parts: generating a zero-knowledge proof and verifying the proof.

Generating a zero-knowledge proof involves the use of a cryptographic key pair: a public key and a private key. The public key is used to generate a zero-knowledge proof that verifies the validity of a statement, while the private key is used to generate a valid proof.

Verifying a zero-knowledge proof involves the use of the public key to verify the validity of the generated proof. If the proof is valid, it can be claimed that the statement is true, without revealing any details about the statement.

Zk-SNARKs has been used in several cryptocurrency projects, such as Zcash and Ethereum. In the case of Zcash, the zk-SNARKs technology is used to ensure the privacy of transactions on the network, allowing users to make anonymous transactions. In the case of Ethereum, zk-SNARKs is used in the zk-rollup privacy protocol, which allows users to make transactions on the Ethereum network more privately and efficiently.

Despite its advantages, the zk-SNARKs technology also presents some challenges. One of the main challenges is the complexity of implementing zk-SNARKs, which can make its widespread adoption difficult. Additionally, the dependency on quantum cryptography also raises concerns in terms of security, as quantum cryptography is still a developing field and may be vulnerable to quantum attacks in the future.

In summary, zk-SNARKs is a cryptography technology that allows one party to prove the validity of a statement without revealing details about the statement. This is especially useful in cryptocurrency applications, where privacy and security of transactions are desired. zk-SNARKs is based on quantum cryptography and is divided into two parts: generating a zero-knowledge proof and verifying the proof. Despite its advantages, zk-SNARKs also presents challenges, such as the complexity of implementation and the dependency on quantum cryptography.


Some examples of uses of zk-SNARKs are in the cryptocurrency projects Zcash and Ethereum.

  • Zcash is a cryptocurrency that uses the zk-SNARKs technology to ensure the privacy of transactions on its network, allowing users to make anonymous transactions.
  • Ethereum is a blockchain platform that uses zk-SNARKs in its zk-rollup privacy protocol, which allows users to make transactions on the Ethereum network more privately and efficiently.

These are just a few examples of uses of zk-SNARKs, and it is expected that more applications will be developed that use this technology in the future.


About Daniel

Project Manager @ Cardano (IOHK)

Madrid, Spain CRIPTOMO
